Activity, Vaccine

Job title: Overseas Coordinator (OC)

Job title: Overseas coordinator (OC).

  • The OC shall be the link between the iHOPE head office in Australia and its beneficiaries in Kenya, Uganda, and South Sudan.

Key responsibilities for the OC

  • Team leader of a small team
  •  Contact person between the iHOPE and students and their families/guardians
  • Market and link the iHOPE with NGOs in and outside South Sudan
  • Initiate and conduct in person and online fundraisers
  • Networking with other NGOs, Not for Profits as much as you possibly can
  • Attend meetings, conferences, workshops, or seminars as they present
  • Conduct intake assessments as required and provide fee structures and requirements documents to Treasurer
  •  Report on the progress of students
  • Pay student’s school fees and requirements and pocket money
  • Send/email copies of receipts and documents to iHOPE Treasurer in Australia
  • Visit students at their respective schools on academic clinic days or as required
  • Interview students and assist them with writing letters to theirs sponsors and the organization

Terms of contract

  • The role is a six-month contract subject to review at the end of this period.
  • A three-month Probationary Period will apply to this role, upon which either party, can terminate the contract with one (1) months’ notice in writing, or by payment in lieu of notice


  • Your salary is at rate of 200 USD, paid on monthly basis
  • You will also be paid travel allowances of 50 USD per a school term
  • Additional allowances can be paid as required and will be calculated on distance to be travelled.

Selection Criteria

  • Qualifications
  • Written and oral communication skills
  • Teamwork
  • Personal attributes
  • Initiative
  • Experience and skills

A candidate must meet the above selection criteria in order to be considered for the role.


Closing date: 21/12/2021 at 5pm AEST

Contact HR on

Mob: 0403734830

Mob: 0427885248

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