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Deng Bul
Founder & Chief Executive Director
Kush Royal Youth Club is a youth community based nonprofit organization that is power to promote cultural awareness and provide youth empowerment programs to young people in the South Sudanese community in Australia from the age of 14 to 25 and exceptional ages behold. Our shareholders are African South Sudanese parents, non-profits and profits organizations/ associations within and outside Africa and other diverse communities groups in Australia.
The history of Kush Royal Youth Club was derived from an observation on the disruption of child and youth parental relationships and moral values teachings that were traditional norms of orientating and adding values to the lives of young people back in the days. With the increase in technology and other modern developments, the gap has continued to grow even wider. Parents of nowadays spent most of their time at work, and on the weekends attend communities’ events or self-development activities, having limited time left to coach and bond with their children.
Furthermore, most people in our community have been exposed to different cultures and life experiencing’s. From moving from countries to be here in Australia. Putting children into identity crisis that has caused a huge impact on children sense of identity and understanding of where they belong in the world. This has made them adopt into more insecure sense of self -identity, which has unable them to build healthy relationships, have difficulties in self and co-regulation of emotions when challenged in life amongst other things. We believed this is why young people are fighting each other on the street here in Australia.
However, teaching them positive identity through cultural awareness and new bonding experiences through youth empowerment programs such as sport activities and mentorship programs, we shall together as a community rebuild their bricks lost in developmental stages of their growths. These new experiences and skills will teach them they are loveable, likeable and capable and that they are care for by the community. Because if young person lack a sense of identity, they will lose feelings, have issues with managing emotions, have weak thoughts, lose their culture( language etc.) , they will develop low-self esteem etc. Therefore, they need to be supported to explore, understand, and accept their different parts. They need to learn how world work together to make them a unique relevance person in the society.